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Jasmine Rodriguez, Grayson Armou, Sidd Wali and John Kohler. Credit: Andrew Brodhead /

Certification Forms

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This page describes Stanford’s process for Dean’s Certification, the certification process typically requested for law schools, FIPC, State Boards of Law Examiners, medical/veterinary school, etc.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

How to Request a Dean's Certification

Submit your Dean’s Certification request through the Dean's Certification Request Form.

Required Information

Please note, the following information will be required:

  • Your full name
  • Your SUID number
  • The name and email address of each institution you are requesting a Dean’s Certification be sent to

 Processing and Timelines

  • Dean’s Certification processing typically requires up to 10 business days
  • We urge you to submit your request at least one month before each recipient entity’s deadline to ensure the requisite deadlines are met if there are any unanticipated delays.
  • Priority will be given to those students who timely submit. Requests are processed in the order received.
  • Please note that Dean’s Certifications cannot be processed during university closures; the University is closed during the last two weeks of December.
  • Dean’s Certifications are sent directly to the requested institution, not the student.
Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

Dean’s Certification Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to meet with the Dean of Students or any other University administrator in order to get my Dean’s Certification form processed?

 No, there is no need to meet with the Dean or any other administrator. Please follow the instructions above for submitting your request via email.

Will Stanford accept a faxed or mailed certification form? 

To ensure timely processing, requests should be submitted through the Dean's Certification Request Form.

How will my forms be sent to the institutions? 

Dean’s Certifications are emailed directly to the institutions. Stanford can also submit completed Certifications by e-fax as necessary.

Is there a certification form processing fee? 

No, Stanford does not charge for processing certification forms.

If I have a disciplinary and/or academic probation record at Stanford, what happens after the Office of Community Standards and/or Registrar’s Office checks the affirmative boxes on the certification forms? 

For any affirmative responses to disciplinary questions, the Office of Community Standards will provide a letter of explanation concerning the student’s disciplinary record. With respect to a student’s formal disciplinary record, Stanford reports only on cases that constitute a finding of responsibility under the University’s Honor Code, Fundamental Standard, and/or Student Title IX Process. If a student has a disciplinary record, the letter from OCS will contain information pertaining to the final outcome of the case(s) and sanctions, an explanation of Stanford policies, and instructions to contact the student if the institution requires any further information about the record.

The Student Services Center (acting on behalf of the Registrar’s Office) will provide a copy of your official enrollment certification along with a cover letter explaining our policy in regards to academic standing questions. The Registrar’s Office does not respond to academic standing questions rather, we provide an official Stanford enrollment certification as proof of your enrollment. If the institution you are sending your Dean’s certification to has questions about gaps in your enrollment, they should contact you directly for further explanation. All of this is explained in detail in the cover letter that Stanford attaches to your Dean’s Certification form.

If no Dean’s Certification Form is provided by the school/entity to which I am applying, but some type of disciplinary clearance is required, what should I do? 

Follow the instructions above for requesting a Dean’s Certification to be sent to the school/entity to which you are applying. 

Does Stanford provide a student’s GPA and class rank to other schools? 

GPA is provided for Undergraduates only on the official transcript. Under no circumstances will a student’s GPA be released to third parties/with the certification forms. Class rank is not calculated for any purpose.

The institution/entity to which I am applying claims that it did not receive my certification form. What should I do? 

If the institution has not received your Dean’s Certification, please confirm the email address the Dean’s Certification should be sent to, and then email the Office of Community Standards at

If I want to check the status of my certification forms, whom do I contact? 

Please allow 10 business days after submitting your request for certification before contacting Stanford. You may inquire about the status of your request by emailing the Office of Community Standards.

How can I request an Official Degree Certification if I can no longer authenticate into Axess? 

Alumni who graduated more than 5 years ago and no longer have an active SUNetID and password can still request electronic degree certification by using the Document Ordering Portal. For more information, please see the Registrar’s Website.

Campus scenes, 2023. Credit: Micaela Go