Tina Wong
James W. Lyons Award for Service, Citation

For your dedicated service to the transfer and veteran student populations through your work as a co-lead for the Transfer 101 program and programming efforts through the Office for Military-Affiliated Communities (OMAC) such as through your coordination of Veterans Day and Memorial Day commemorations;
For uplifting and supporting military veterans and service members to apply for college in your role as an ambassador for Service to School, a non-profit which provides free college application counseling to veterans;
For your critical support in sustaining a sense of togetherness among the military community especially as the Office for Military-Affiliated Communities (OMAC) experienced a number of transitions; For your tireless efforts to build community and share upbeat, positive energy with transfer and military communities by stepping up as a community leader in a time of need;
Tina Wong is warmly thanked for exceptional service to and on behalf of Stanford University

Presentation Information
Presented on May 25, 2023 by Mona Hicks, Senior Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students