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Candice Jeehae Kim

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James W. Lyons Award for Service, Citation

Candice Jeehae Kim

For your innovative approach to overhauling the Course Design Institute for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars (GradCDI) and redesigning the program into a transformative four-day intensive workshop series with unprecedented, overwhelmingly positive participant endorsements; 

For your unwavering commitment to coaching First Generation and/or Low Income (FLI) students and other students from underrepresented backgrounds as a Peer Learning Consultant in the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL);

For your creation of the STEM Mentors Network, which fulfilled the previously unaddressed need for a program that trains graduate students in equitable mentoring practices;

For your fearless advocacy for integrating social justice frameworks in educational settings such as through leading Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) workshops in the Leadership in Inclusive Teaching (LIT) program;

Candice Jeehae Kim is warmly thanked for exceptional service to and on behalf of Stanford University.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.


Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. Credit: alacatr / iStock