Emily Rodriguez
James W. Lyons Award for Service, Citation

For your creation of the Guardian Scholars Program in the First Generation and/or Low Income Student Success Center (FLISSC), a program that supports current or former foster care youth in creating community at Stanford;
For spearheading a variety of events across multiple campus partnerships to support First Generation and/or Low Income (FLI) Students in accessing items such as weather-appropriate clothing and bicycles that are much-needed at Stanford;
For serving as a resource with crucial institutional knowledge, while also building sustainability of the Guardian Scholars program through documentation and identifying future student leadership;
For your devotion to supporting and creating space for students who consider Stanford to be their home and family;
Emily Rodriguez is warmly thanked for exceptional service to and on behalf of Stanford University.

Presentation Information
Presented on May 25, 2023 by Mona Hicks, Senior Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students