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Brith Milenia Rojas Mendoza

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James W. Lyons Award for Service, Citation

Brith Milenia Rojas Mendoza

For your service to the undocumented student community at Stanford through your work in the Inclusion, Community, and Integrative Learning (ICIL) team; 

For your design of a comprehensive plan to support undocumented students in graduate programs, and for working with the Chemical Engineering Department on their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee to further advocate for your community; 

For your mentorship to students across the country through the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers’ MentorSHPE program, and the DREAM Project; 

For your tireless devotion to uplifting the voices of undocumented students and shining a light on the needs of your community during an unprecedented time;

Brith Milenia Rojas Mendoza is warmly thanked for exceptional service to and on behalf of Stanford University.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.


Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. Credit: alacatr / iStock