Darryl Thompson
James W. Lyons Award for Service, Citation

For breaking down the history of siloed branches in the Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU) by implementing weekly executive meetings which served to foster understanding and collaboration between the Undergraduate Senate, Graduate Student Council, Executive Branch, and Nominations Commission;
For your dedication to increasing participation by first year students in the ASSU through strategic marketing and partnerships, development of frosh-specific roles, and the creation of a Sapling Program for entering students to closely engage with Senate work;
For elevating student voices by selflessly serving on various committees across the university, including through your continued service as Chair of the Stanford Student Enterprises (SSE) Advisory Board;
For creating sustainable change by codifying the position of ASSU Librarian, and emphasizing the importance of centralization and documentation of institutional knowledge which can be passed down for generations to come;
Darryl Thompson is warmly thanked for exceptional service to and on behalf of Stanford University.

Presentation Information
Presented on May 25, 2023 by Mona Hicks, Senior Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students